2014 Gathering of the Green
2014 Gathering of the Green was held in Davenport, Iowa on March 19 through March 22. 15 members from the Cascade Two Cylinder Club attended. Special tours included the Antique Archeology Museum in LeClere, Iowa, Barnacopia museum in Polo,Iowa and the Caterpiller Tractor factory in Peoria, Illinois.

Gary, Dean, Ray, Les and Marlen Vender area

Well painted JD 820 at Gathering

JD #52 2-12 tag plow

Unstyled JD L at Gathering

Dean riding the Machine Shed Hog

Antique Archeology at LeClare, Iowa



Hay trolley at Antique Archeology

Mike Wolfe American Pickers



































Paul at Ohare Airport


Marlen, Dean and Les