Curtis' India Tractor Tour
Travel map – stayed in 15 cities in 16 days across 10 states (not counting London)
Why buy a car when you have a Mahindra? Taken out a back car window from a busy intersection.
John Deeres aren’t the majority here – I had a hard time finding any. Here is a Farmtrack dealership (an India made tractor under license from Ford)
Finally, somewhere between Delhi and Agra, I spotted a John Deere. I told our driver to pull over so my interpreter could ask where he bought it.
The owner of the tractor I spotted said he bought his John Deere just down the street. And here it was… the JD dealer!
The middle of the street doubles as this dealership’s service shop
I tried to explain to this guy that his tractor was the wrong color… not sure he understood (my Hindi is a little rusty)
How to make cement in India (by camel)
Villager enjoying his opium on his (well off) farm
Typical passenger train
Indian dune buggy
Sunrise in the desert by the India Pakistan border (you need a camel to get here)
Thought this classy outfit would be great for our next club potluck (sort of a traditional Indian suit)
Taj Mahal
How to catch fish in South India
South India tea garden. The plants are hundreds of years old and stretch for hundreds of miles. No tractors needed - all picked by hand.
How to move logs in the Indian jungle
While north Indian food was more bread based (we saw lots of wheat fields there), south India cuisine is rice based (which explains all the rice paddies there)